

Giuseppe Ambrosi EDA President

Dear colleagues and friends,

Benvenuti and welcome to (y)our EDA Annual Convention 2024 in Rome!
After the EDA Conventions 1997 in Taormina and 2014 in Stresa, the European lactosphère is back in Italy and this time, we will convene in Rome.
With our 2024 motto line “Dairy – Next Generation” we have set the scene for our 2024 Annual Convention.
And we have set up, together with our Italian friends from ASSOLATTE, a conference program with an impressive speakers’ line-up to discuss with you the future of our European lactosphère.

Dear friends,
we invite you to fully live our Annual Convention in Rome, to enjoy the outstanding program of the conference and to make most out of this unique opportunity to meet and exchange with dairy leaders and dairy experts from the European and global ‘lactosphère’ and to be part “Dairy – Next Generation”!

Giuseppe Ambrosi
EDA President

Paolo Zanetti ASSOLATTE President

Ladies and gentlemen,

It is my utmost pleasure to extend a warm welcome to each and every one of you as we prepare to embark on the journey of the European Dairy Association 2024 Annual Convention, this year hosted by Assolatte. From the 13th to the 15th of November, Rome will serve as the vibrant backdrop for our gathering, and it is with great anticipation that we await your presence.
As we come together for this important occasion, we remind the history and legacy of Assolatte. Established in 1945, and with a membership comprising more than 250 companies ranging from local cooperatives to multinational corporations, Assolatte represents the collective voice of the Italian dairy industry.
Our mission transcends mere business; it is a commitment to excellence, quality, and innovation. Even amidst the challenges posed by the global pandemic and the ongoing wars, our industry persevered, ensuring the uninterrupted flow of essential goods to consumers worldwide.
Italy, renowned for its culinary tradition, holds a special place in the hearts of dairy enthusiasts. Our products grace tables around the globe, serving as ambassadors of European excellence!
Beyond our borders, the Italian and European dairy sector faces a dynamic landscape of opportunities and challenges. With the start of the new EU legislative term, we find ourselves at a pivotal moment in the political arena, ready to shape the future of our industry.
The EDA Annual Convention 2024 will be held at the prestigious Westin Excelsior, nestled in the heart of Rome's historic center. As we convene in this magnificent city, let us seize this opportunity to forge new connections, share insights, and celebrate our shared commitment to the continued prosperity and sustainability of dairy.
On behalf of Assolatte, I thank you and look forward to welcoming you to the EDA Annual Convention 2024.

Paolo Zanetti

Dieter Kuijl ASSIFONTE President

Dear EDA & ASSIFONTE colleagues,

Rome, Italy – a fantastic choice for our 2024 joint EDA & ASSIFONTE Annual Convention!
Italy has a tremendously rich historical and cultural heritage and the country’s “lactosphère” mirrors this heritage: home to a long dairy tradition with the best known iconic cheeses, home to a vibrant and dynamic dairy industry, and home to dairy innovation. And of course, also home to an impressive processed cheese know-how.
Together with my fellow ASSIFONTE colleagues from all over Europe, it will be a pleasure to exchange with our Italian colleagues on our industry and on our common challenges in these troubled times.
I am looking forward to meeting you all during our EDA / ASSIFONTE Annual Convention in Rome.

Dieter Kuijl


EDA is the European Dairy Association, the most important European association that brings together all the milk processing industries, with over 12,000 processing plants in Europe, based in Brussels.
“We will be able to address the challenges ahead while acting as ambassadors of the European dairy sector, a symbol of Europe’s rich cultural and culinary heritage.
The dairy sector is the backbone of rural Europe: 170 billion euros in turnover, 12 thousand milk and dairy processing industries, over 300 thousand specialized employees (of which 45 thousand engaged in export) and 700 thousand farms.

Upcoming Events

Nov, 2024
First day of EDA Annual Convention
19:00 - 21:30
Rome, Italy
Nov, 2024
Second day of EDA Annual Convention
09:00 - 00:00
Rome, Italy
Nov, 2024
Third day of EDA 2024 Annual Convention
08:00 - 18:00
Rome, Italy
th November
th November
th November


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The Westin Excelsior

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